Thursday, October 16, 2008

Behind The Moon

Dedicated to the fallen men and women astronauts, from the Space Shuttle Challenger and Columbia tragedies:

The exponential thrust, encapsulates me,
While I murmur, a farewell litany.
I’m paralyzed, by the invisible weight,
Barely, remaining in my conscious state.
Loving thoughts, keep her nostalgically near,
As I breach, the unifying atmosphere.

A sudden sensation of blinding heat,
Engulfs me, in my vaporizing seat.
Eternally grateful, for the painless tragedy,
I no longer exist, with perplexed finality.
My senses, permeate the infinite ether,
Whilst my three pound universe, continues to teeter.

Passing the lunar side, as dark as night,
Something whispers: ” Everything will be alright”.
Unimaginable answers, begin their euphoric rush,
To indelible questions, hitherto remained hush.
The divine kaleidoscope of pre-design, so sublime,
Reveals itself, through warped space and time.

Like celestial heartbeats, the pulsating spectral stars,
Embellish enigmatic life, upon the face of Mars.
God, does not roll the proverbial dice,
The multi-dimensional string, cannot appear as a slice.
What did come before the clock struck zero, or noon?
The theory of everything, lies behind the moon.